Catturd2 Twitter


    Morning Tweets....

    Posted by Deanna on March 14, 2021, 11:41 am

    Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) Tweeted:
    Andrew Cuomo is everything CNN said Donald Trump was!
    thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) Tweeted:
    The United States has never had a weaker Commander in Chief--and our enemies know it.
    Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) Tweeted:
    RT if you're counting down the days until we impeach Kamala Harris!!
    Lisa Boothe (@LisaMarieBoothe) Tweeted:
    I feel like our country is unraveling
    Catturd ™ (@catturd2) Tweeted:
    Thanks to Democrats and their voters - the country is falling apart.
    Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) Tweeted:
    While China is wholly focused on building up their military so that they can displace us as the preeminent super power on the world stage, our Military Brass is going full mean girls on a talk show host and focusing their energy on proving their wokeness.
    Music to China's ears!
    Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) Tweeted:
    The Boston Bomber may receive a check from Biden’s $1.9 trillion wish list before special interests allow millions of children to go back to school.
    CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) Tweeted:
    Why the popular Covid relief bill may not pay off electorally for Democrats | Analysis
    Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
    There was once a man who went around warning us our generals had become dopes and babies who couldn't win wars but people hated him for his tweets and skin color and so they sent him away
    Anna Khait (@Annakhait) Tweeted:
    How does the left not realize how dangerous it is to have open borders?
    The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) Tweeted:
    Meghan Markle Reportedly Eying Bid For The White House, Talking To Top U.S. Democrats
    Jerry Rosen (@Shortrosen) Tweeted:
    @SenateGOP @HouseGOP Is anyone investigating whether Joe Biden engaged in a 'quid pro quo' with Ukraine (Burisma)? Did he ask Ukraine to drop all investigations against the Bidens and in return, he'll cancel the Keystone pipeline? Burisma will benefit while Americans will suffer.
    Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) Tweeted:
    So when is Oprah going to be interviewing the people who lost their pipeline jobs?
    Jerry Rosen (@Shortrosen) Tweeted:
    @ksorbs @abitx2u Better, when is Oprah going to give all those who lost their Keystone jobs with a new car?
    Jennifer 'pro-voting' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) Tweeted:
    Contrary to some cynical pundits, Biden was not “lucky” to win in 2020. He is not a gaffe machine; indeed, he is religiously on-message and often eloquent.
    Catturd ™ (@catturd2) Tweeted:
    @JRubinBlogger OMG 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Deep Breath 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Stacy Rae 🇺🇸 (@stacyhrae) Tweeted:
    The Swamp didn’t get drained, but the water got low enough for us to see all the hideous creatures residing within.
    The Washington Times (@WashTimes) Tweeted:
    Border jumpers carry dramatically higher COVID-19 rates than U.S. population
    National Review (@NRO) Tweeted:
    For the sake of our culture and of ourselves, we shouldn’t let liberals lie about history.
    Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
    BREAKING: Chief of Staff of the Army McConville pulled aside Gen Funk this morning about his political posts while in uniform. Told him it is getting way out of hand, per senior DOD official
    Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) Tweeted:
    Perhaps people would be more enthusiastic about vaccines if Team Doom would give us reason to believe that the vaccines will allow things to return to normal. But they refuse to do so.
    Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:
    The US military now supports one political ideology and opposes anyone who holds the other
    Good thing nothing like this has ever happened before in history
    Matt Couch (@RealMattCouch) Tweeted:
    45th President Donald J. Trump Issues Statement on Covid Vaccines, Liberal Have MELTDOWN!
    The Hill (@thehill) Tweeted:
    Pelosi says Biden administration inherited 'a broken system at the border'
    (Awww…you are not allowed to post…”No surprise from the former President of Democratic Socialists of America”….WOW)
    Reuters (@Reuters) Tweeted:
    Italy's Piedmont region temporarily suspends AstraZeneca shots
    CBS News (@CBSNews) Tweeted:
    Vaccines drive optimism about containing COVID-19 pandemic — CBS News poll
    The Associated Press (@AP) Tweeted:
    An AP survey of state legislatures found that most no longer allow people inside their chambers to observe debates because of the pandemic, and some still don’t allow people to testify remotely at committee hearings. By @DavidALieb. #SunshineWeek

      Once you let Dementia Joe and the DUMocraps steal the White House...

      Posted by TEXRA-NOT MY AMERICA ANYMORE! on March 14, 2021, 12:20 pm, in reply to 'Morning Tweets....'

      ...everybody thinks they can do it.
      The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) Tweeted:
      Meghan Markle Reportedly Eying Bid For The White House, Talking To Top U.S. Democrats

        YES!!! And Apparently, She Believes She Can Oust The Call Girl...LOLOL

        Posted by Deanna on March 14, 2021, 12:43 pm, in reply to 'Once you let Dementia Joe and the DUMocraps steal the White House...'

        But, let's see who Mama Pelosi supports????? LOLOL

  1. Catturd ™ @catturd2 8h I love to downplay an event that the media has deemed “the greatest thing in history.” — then see who freaks out just because I’m not freaking out. 😂 Some people just stay pissed off, and always will.
  2. Conservative political commentator and author Ann Coulter scathingly corrected a Twitter user called 'Catturd' after he tweeted that Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard had voted for the impeachment.
  3. Professional provocateur (and former Trump-whisperer turned occasional critic) Ann Coulter just tried, and failed miserably, to correct Twitter user “Catturd2,” in a manner that pretty much defines.
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Catturd2 twitter

Rabbitskin Science Fiction novel in stock here at - Catturd coffee mugs for our fellow patriots. Selling US made products since 2019.


Who is Catturd and why did Donald Trump retweet Catturd three times on Monday night? A Twitter account with the name @Catturd2 has been trending since last night, apparently this account has been advocating against election fraud that took place in the presidential election 2020. The account has almost 462,000 followers (at the time of writing) and broadcasts quality content.

Who is Catturd and why is Trump retweeting @Catturd2?

The bio for this account says, “The MAGA turd who talks shit. My parody book- The Adventures of Cowfart, literally – and my Sci-Fi novel – Rabbitskin – are available at” The fact that Donald Trump is retweeting this account is itself hilarious. A simple glance over the account shows that is made by an anonymous user who worships Donald Trump.

The account tweeted this morning, “I just woke up and noticed President Trump retweeted me 3 times. So cool. That makes 7 times now. Can’t believe it. So honored.” One of the tweets by this account that Donald Trump retweeted states, “Rudy Giuliani is presenting a ton of evidence. If you ignore or refuse to look at the mountain of evidence being presented – save your breath barking to us about there being no evidence. You can’t have it both ways.”

Prior to this tweet, Donald Trump also retweeted Catturd’s tweet of a video footage captured on Monday’s hearing in Arizona that looked into potential voter fraud that took place during the presidential election. That hearing was a lot similar to the one scheduled in Pennsylvania last week.


Catturd trends on social media


Several users found this hilarious and questioned the validity of Trump’s source. The anonymous account does not give any hints for the actual user behind. Several users pointed out that Trump does not believe factual reports but retweets a right-wing troll account without a shed of doubt.

Anonymous accounts have been used for a decade to propagate political messages from behind a veil of anonymity. Anonymity is an essential safeguard when it comes to legal action and security. If the owner reveals his/her identity, it is possible that he/she will be pursued outside the internet and made answerable for broadcasting their views. Social media is a powerful tool of information is the 21st century, it is a medium that all people use, regardless of age and gender. Messages tend to get across much faster on social media, with features like anonymity, these messages are easier to gain attraction.

Needless to say, people are extremely eager to find out who Catturd is. If Catturd ever decides to reveal their actual identity, President Trump might just invite out Catturd for a dinner.

UPDATE: We earlier reported that @Catturd2 is a backup account. Unfortunately our source shared a fake account info that was spread by @realcatturd2 account, “WOW…. my old TWITTER got susp3nded. I had over 400k followers. If you see this please RETWEET and FOLLOW. Doubt anyone will see this now… It was a hell of a ride.

Catturd2 On Twitter

@Catturd2 is the only account owned by the real Catturd (If you’re reading this please forgive us, mighty cat).