Citrix Receiver 4.4

This configuration will give you PNA Style Configuration

Client PC

Installing Receiver Client – Receiver 4.4.1000 and earlier. Using a command line, specify the ALLOWADDSTORE=N parameter in your command. See here for more information on installing Receiver via CMD. This will affect all users using the machine. Using Windows Registry – Receiver 4.3 and earlier. Run Citrix Receiver online on your browser, Mac, PC, and tablets with lets you run thousands of apps online on all your devices.

“AllowAddStore”=”A” *

“ConnectionSecurityMode”=”any” *

*Only required if your using http as a web store address

GPO Configuration

The adm file can be found here at

C:Program Files (x86)CitrixICA ClientConfiguration


Citrix receiver 4.4 download

Place the adml and admx accordingly below.

File TypeDomain Controller File Location
ADMX language neutral (.admx)%systemroot%sysvoldomainpoliciesPolicyDefinitions
ADMX language specific (.adml)%systemroot%sysvoldomainpoliciesPolicyDefinitions[MUIculture] (for example, the U.S. English ADMX language-specific file will be stored in %systemroot%sysvoldomainpoliciesPolicyDefinitionsen-us)

Once done setup as below

Ensure the web interface as Domain-Pass through setup as below

Citrix Receiver 4.4

Ensure the address is added to either Trusted Site or intranet and ensure the security setting is set as below

How to disable the popup windows for Citrix Receiver when users login.

Citrix receiver 4.4.5Citrix receiver download


Value Name:”SuppressURLPromptAtLogin”


Citrix Receiver 4.4 Install

Disable Receiver Popup version 3.3 to version 4.3-

HKLMSoftwareCitrixDazzle “AllowAddStore”= N

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x64 bit machines, use HKLMSoftwareWOW6432NodeCitrixDazzle “AllowAddStore” = N

HKCUSoftwareCitrixReceiver “EnableFTU”=dword:00000000
HKLMSoftwarePoliciesCitrix “EnableFTU”=dword:00000000
HKCUSoftwarePoliciesCitrix “EnableFTU”=dword:00000000

Citrix Receiver 4.4 use EnableX1FTU

HKCUSoftwareCitrixReceiver “EnableX1FTU”=dword:00000000

Citrix Receiver 4.4.5

HKLMSoftwarePoliciesCitrix “EnableX1FTU”=dword:00000000

Citrix Receiver 4.4.5000.8


Citrix Receiver 4.4 For Windows 10 Download

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