
1)A pouch that holds male genitalia for easy access.
  1. Code Piece
  2. Codpiece Definition
  3. Metal Codpiece
  4. Codpiece Definition
  5. 1 Images Featuring Codpiece (New Earth)

The codpiece, in its early form, was a baggy cloth gusset laced to the stockings, but, in the course of the next century, rising on a tide of ostentation, it bulged and distended. Codpiece International. Anonymox addons. And, Bridal Casuals. This home page has been accessed approximately times (since Saturday 15th July, 1995). But who's counting! How to crack trial software with ollydbg tutorial beginners. Due to a steady drop in t-shirt sales, we are closing out the Codpiece International line of t-shirts. Check-out the catalogfor further details. So, to cover their manhood, men began to wear a codpiece (from the Middle English “cod,” meaning “scrotum”, a flap or bag concealing an opening in the front of men's breeches especially in the 15th and 16th centuries. The codpiece began as a simple piece of fabric that would be tied down, really just an extra piece of linen. The codpiece began as a simple piece of fabric that would be tied down, really just an extra piece of linen. However, as time wore on the codpiece became more elaborate and decorative, longer and padded. Iskysoft imedia converter deluxe for mac zippyshare. So instead of helping to conceal the genitals, the codpiece emphasized them. The codpiece first came into fashion during the Renaissance. Men wore tights that only covered their legs, and they risked exposing themselves when sitting or riding a horse. Costume codpieces do not have to serve the original function, only provide a bulge on a man's costume.

by Anonymous July 03, 2003
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I've been jabbed
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Code Piece

A thong-like cover for your male junk that almost always has padding. Has a design on it.
Sigfried and Roy both wear fabulouslyfruity Cod Pieces.
Get a Cod piece mug for your father-in-law Günter.
Yet to be invented, suggest: DD cupcodpiece.
Get a Codpiece mug for your cat Abdul.
Cod Piece derived from Daniel Radcliffes inner inviting thighs.
Onlooker: (Asks in an interested manner) 'Daniel, whats that large object between your legs'
Dan Rad: (Thrusts hips forward and places hands upon hips) 'Oh, ch-what, a- thats a- just a- my a- cod piece.' (Circulates codpiece and does the rumba)
Get a Cod Piece mug for your guy Günter.

Codpiece Definition

Hand me that cod piece would you.
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A toxic man or boy that loves to protect penis and wants to be a big dick himself. A male that has a warped idea of what masculinity is, has little depth as a human being, often exhibits unwanted behavior towards women, blaming them for their small penises and inability to act out their true love of penis. A totally insecure dominant male with poor role models that compensates by being a totally wanker.

Metal Codpiece

Donald Trump and his cronies are a bunch of codpieces.
by ormousB March 24, 2020

Codpiece Definition

Code piacenza
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Apr 21 trending

1 Images Featuring Codpiece (New Earth)

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